Potatoes are useful in treating hemorrhoids due to the analgesic properties of their juice. After using compresses of raw potatoes, skin regeneration accelerates and wounds and cracks start to heal. In addition, raw potato components have a noticeable anti-inflammatory effect, reducing tension and swelling, and relieving pain.
- Treat Hemorrhoids with Potato Gruel
Rub fresh raw potatoes on a fine grater and apply the resulting substance to hemorrhoids. To ensure a lasting effect, put it on a gauze pad and fix it in place with a stick plaster. Leave overnight. This compress relieves pain and spasms if you have external hemorrhoids.
- Use Potato Juice to Make Enema
Potato juice enema is a good remedy for internal hemorrhoids. To prepare the solution, you need to grate the potatoes and squeeze out the juice. Insert a tablespoon of juice before going to bed. Don’t forget to consult a doctor, and don’t use this method for more than 10 days. If you can’t afford to visit a doctor, start by researching your problem on websites run by doctors. For example, check out http://www.thrombosedhemorrhoidsinfo.com/.
- Drink Potato Juice
No matter what stage of the disease you have, drinking potato juice is very useful. It helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, which will help avoid internal bleeding of the rectum. Such juice can also have a positive effect on the digestive system.
- Make a Therapeutic Bath
Boil the skin of potatoes in milk for a couple of minutes. Then, pour the hot liquid into the bath, cover it with a towel, and leave a small hole. Squat down over the bath so the evaporation from the hot brew rises towards the diseased region of the anus. The steam bath should last for 15 minutes. After the procedure, lubricate the anus with rosehips.
Traditional medicine is very helpful in many cases; it’s painless and quite comfortable because of the simplicity and availability of funds. However, you need to visit a proctologist to get professional help. Remember, hemorrhoids are a serious problem because the symptoms can also signal other diseases, particularly oncology of the intestine.