Welcome to British Toolbox, which is your one-stop shop for advice, how-tos and a whole lot of other guidance on how to negotiate family and work life successfully so you can give the people who mean most to you the time they deserve.
My name is Stella Turner and I founded this site alongside my husband Charles a few years back. Together we have two children, Emily and Christian, and we run a small flower business near our home in Arundel, West Sussex. The store caters for every kind of occasion and we build custom-made bouquets and decorations, allowing us to flex our creative muscle a little while giving something special to our customers.
This is out story.
Why British Toolbox?
We know the first question you will ask yourself is why did we name the site British Toolbox? After all, what do tools have to do with floristry?
The reason is that we want to make this site a place where you can be equipped with the tools that you need to negotiate all aspects of life, whatever they may be. Whether it’s getting something right with your business, trying to juggle family life with work or getting the little jobs done around the house, we have been there and done it all, which is why we are well-placed to equip you with all of the tools you need to do the same.
Why We Started The Site
Charles and I have always tried to do what we can to help others. It’s why we are in the business we are in and it is something that we hoped to expand upon when we started this blog.
We are also big believers in the power of local businesses when it comes to boosting the UK economy. We survived through the economic crash of 2008 and one of our aims is to do what little we can to protect small UK businesses and the wider British economy from similar issues in the future.
This is why we use the British Toolbox to promote local services and encourage the idea of buying British at all times.
That’s not all the site is about though. As parents and businesspeople, we have struggled to find the balance between work and family that is essential to maintain if we are to enjoy happy lives. Fortunately, we have found our own solutions to those problem and we now use the site to offer wide-ranging advice on issues that we know affect local business owners like ourselves on a daily basis.
The Evolution Of The British Toolbox
This site originally started life as a means for us to share all of our knowledge with whoever stumbled upon it. We considered it to be something of a hobby that was as much about helping us to work through the issues that affect us as it was about providing advice to others.
Over time, we have found that the British Toolbox has built a rather sizeable community around it, consisting of people who share at least some of our interests. The dialogues that have come out of this community have inspired us to do more with the site. While we still treat it as a hobby, because we want the site to be fun and easy to browse for whoever might visit, we also recognize that it can now be a source of income for us thanks to adverts and affiliate programs, both of which also offer us the opportunity to advertise local businesses and their services to our readers.
Our Goals For The Future
Our main aim in life, as it always will be, is to provide the best we possibly can for Emily and Christian. Our kids mean the world to us and everything we do is done for them.
The question, of course, is how do we go about doing that? Our flower shop has achieved a fair amount of success in Sussex and will always be a part of our lives, but with the British Toolbox we now have the chance to explore other opportunities.
So in addition to protecting our business and helping other local business owners do the same, we want to use this site as a platform to share more knowledge than ever before, growing the community in the process.
Founder – Stella Turner